About OriVa
What is the OriVa Port™?
A prosthetic-like lid-and-valve system meant to disrupt the pouch-dominated ostomy care market. Designed alongside ostomates and world-class surgeons, the OriVa Port™ is custom-fit to each stoma, acting as an artificial sphincter-of-sorts, bolstering patient autonomy, and offering extended reprieve from the bag. We are taking a gutsy approach, aiming to reshape the ostomy care landscape and modernize the Ostomate experience through empathetic design.
Ostomates currently have little control over their stoma, given that it’s continually and spontaneously emptying waste into an external bag. Current market solutions, such as popular pouching systems, are outdated and stagnant. As designers & innovators, we recognized the need for the next frontier in ostomy care.
The patent-pending OriVa Port™ is designed to…
Provide autonomy and control over the flow of waste.
Create a greater sense of continence.
Act as an “artificial sphincter” of sorts.
Enable bag-free moments.
Explore the next frontier of ostomy care.
Our Inspiration
The ideation process began as a conversation between two friends: Charlotte, a Master of Industrial Design student pursuing a thesis in medical device innovation, and Grace, an Ileostomate who received the life-saving surgery at just 26 years-old and has been living with an ostomy bag ever since.
Charlotte listened to Grace’s story, and those of countless other ostomates around the globe, to understand the gamut of daily challenges faced. These conversations highlighted the need for a more personal care approach: to treat ostomy products as an extension of the self, rather than as a mere appendage.
Despite a glaring need for innovation, the ostomy bag has remained the standard of care for over 70 years. As a designer, Charlotte devoted herself to exploring life beyond the bag. Why not go back to the drawing board? What is the next disruption on the horizon?
Our Process
September 2021
Design research & ideation begins.
Grace Matelich onboarded as a close advisor.
August 2022
Extensive prototyping & validation process.
Partnership with Dr. Alessio Pigazzi formed.
October 2022
OriVa Port™ version one fabricated.
Formerly known as “The Gutsy Port.”
May 2023
Pratt Institute Thesis presentation.
Provisional patent acquired.
August 2023
Awarded the James Dyson Award.
U.S. National Winner & Top 20 International Shortlist.
Current & Upcoming
Fundraising: Angel and F&F Round.
Acquiring Utility Patent, conducting efficacy tests, hiring key team members, and developing business strategy.