OriVa Port™
The Next Frontier in Ostomy Care
OriVa: Redefining the Ostomate Experience.
So, what is OriVa? A prosthetic-like lid-and-valve system meant to disrupt the pouch-dominated ostomy care market. Designed alongside ostomates and world-class surgeons, the OriVa Port™ is custom-fit to each stoma, acting as an artificial sphincter-of-sorts, bolstering patient autonomy, and offering extended reprieve from the bag. We are taking a gutsy approach, aiming to reshape the ostomy care landscape and modernize the Ostomate experience through empathetic design.
“Life is different now. It always will be. But that doesn’t mean it has to be worse or ‘less-than’.”
— Grace Matelich
Ileostomate & OriVa™ Advisor
65+ Prototypes. 3 Years of Ideation. Countless User & Expert Interviews.
We’ve relied on ostomy bags for over 70 years. It’s about time we explore the next horizon.

Statements of Interest
“Last year, my father underwent Urostomy surgery, which has proven to be a challenging journey for our family. Adapting to the use of ostomy bags and managing the associated expenses has been both physically and financially demanding. We believe that the ostomy product you have developed has the potential to be life-changing, not only for my father, but also for the countless individuals who rely on traditional bags.”
— Maaz S.
“I recently came across your port and it put a big smile on my face and gave me a glimmer of hope for a better apparatus for us Ostomates. I would like to keep informed on this project of yours and would definitely jump at the opportunity to partake in any studies or trials.”
— Arthur A.
“I’ve been reading about your thesis topic - the OriVa port [formerly the Gutsy Port]. I am an ostomate living in Michigan. I love this idea. It would help so much. Will this be available? I would volunteer to try the prototype. As you said, the ostomy bag has been around for 70 years and has never been updated. For the millions of us worldwide it would be such a blessing. Thank you for doing this. Thank you for choosing this project.”
— Linda H.

Charlotte Böhning
FOUNDER | Master’s of Industrial Design (Pratt Institute) & B.A. in Economics (Georgetown University)
Dr. Alessio Pigazzi
ADVISOR | Chief of Colorectal Surgery at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital & Weil Cornell Medicine
Grace Matelich
ADVISOR | Ostomate & Executive Director of Operations at Invisible and Member of Operators Guild